At Creative PR we help businesses and organisations tell the story of who they are and what they can do for their customers and stakeholders.
We apply our creative skills and expertise to profile raising, perception realignment and promoting reputations.
How often have you heard prospective clients say ‘we didn’t know you existed? It’s hard to establish a successful business if potential clients don’t know you exist. Here’s how we can help.
How often have you heard existing clients say ‘we didn’t know you did that? It’s a challenge to grow a successful business if your existing clients don’t know all the products and services you offer. Here’s how we can help.
How often have you heard potential clients say ‘ we didn’t know if you’d do a good job? It’s a struggle to be taken seriously if clients don’t trust you to deliver on your promises. Here’s how we can help.
We provide services across three distinct areas – strategy, words and images.
We've worked in the public and private sectors over the past 20 years, providing online and offline services.
We understand communications must deliver on the financial investment - we help you achieve better outcomes without exceeding budgets or compromising values.
The job's not over until you get results - we work with you throughout the process.
We can help you get your marketing sorted!